Like you, the Americas campaign was my favorite, and Thera is not lacking any of the Americas flavor. It is a mod that features many factions based on several of Earth's cultures with some twists, Native Americans included. I would recommend trying out Thera: A New Beginning. Adds some magic elements (as much as the M2 engine can anyway) that adds depth. Set in Tamriel, with access to most of the major factions from TES series. Recently updated I believe so might be even better now. The Elder Scrolls: Haven’t played in awhile, but a great overhaul in the making. A little buggy at times, but worth it just for how different it is from vanilla. Fantastic mod, incredibly well researched, and very complex.
Expands the map all the way to northern India. A few added factions for Divide and Conquer, which extends the number of playthroughs.Įuropa Barbarorum II: The ultimate history nerd mod. I’ve played Divide and Conquer and MOS, and both are great. Set during the ahem Third Age, War of the Ring. Fantastic overhaul, adds a lot of depth and historical background to the vanilla game. Removed the limited Americas late game map, but adds more of Persia and Central Asia. Stainless Steel: Keeps the medieval setting, but expands the map and adds a few factions. Copied my comment from a previous post, but here’s a recap of some M2 moda I play the most.