Now i want to change the button back group color on button click. We will be using StaticResource style property and declare our WPF Button style in App. For additional style changes to the submit button such as hover styles, please see our submit button styling tutorial.
WPF 3D model can set the color using brush. >Example the Text is 'Hello' with foreground color as Black, now if I type 'World' in the same textbox I need to change the foreground color.
MenuHighlightBrush Hover: the first button changes colors when the user hovers with the mouse over the button. Included free with the purchase of any Actipro WPF control products. For this example, I have changed the text color to match the choice. The ControlTemplate change the foreground color of text when the user mouse over text. There is a Dependency Property of Template in each control, style or we can directly define in control template. Wpf button text color RibbonButton exposes the Label Text to the interface.